
For Santander Chile, Sustainability is at the center of value creation for different stakeholders. The Bank's sustainability strategy is essential to deliver on our purpose of helping people & businesses prosper.

Being a responsible bank and earning our customer´s loyalty, require integrating our environmental, social and governance approach into our business strategy and culture.


Sustainability Presentation

Sustainability Strategy

Our Sustainability Strategy focuses on key challenges that affect our business.

Sustainable Governance Image


Sustainability Office

S and R ImageIt was created in 2023 with the mandate of:

  • Defining our Sustainability strategy in Chile in alignment with Grupo Santander´s strategy, while also considering the local reality into our future ambitions regarding key challenges that affect our business.
  • Facilitating the integration of our Sustainability Strategy across different areas of the bank with a centralized approach that secured continued progress in our responsible banking commitments
  • Lead our Sustainable Finance value proposition across the different commercial segments of the Bank.
  • Supporting our clients transition into a low-carbon economy, while we work to become a Net-Zero Bank by 2050.


Sustainability Framework

The framework sets out the Group’s highest-level principles, processes, and responsibilities for managing ESG across Santander Group. It's operationalized through the responsible banking model, which was approved in February 2023, and details the roles and responsibilities for its correct implementation. The model was co-created by all the functions involved in key ESG activities.


Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy

In Chile, the Bank has its own Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy, updated at the end of 2023. This document is based on the main international conventions and agreements on corporate sustainability, including the Equator Principles, the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, among others.


Sustainability Standards

Santander Chile has stated its purpose of ensuring the correct integration of the ethical , social, and environmental criteria in the development of its activities. With this in mind, Santander has put in place a series of policies and internal codes of conduct using international best practices.

Santander endorses several initiatives, both at the corporate and country level, to reinforce the integration of social, ethical, and environmental criteria in the development of its activities. The most relevant of these are:

At the Corporate Level:
  • United Nations Global Pact
  • Banking Environment Initiative (BEI)
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • UNEP Finance Initiative
  • Wolfsberg Group
  • Ecuador Principles
  • Round Table on Responsible Soy
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
  • Responsible Investment Principles
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
In Chile
  • United Nations Global Pact
  • Acción Empresas


Sustainability Commitments and Goals

Since 2020, Santander Chile has guided its management through public commitments with 2025 goals that have allowed it to make significant progress in different sustainability aspects. Given the achievement of some objectives in advance, the objectives have concentrated on the following aspects:  


ESG Goals