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Notes to Financial Statements
Significant Events
Financial Assets Held for Trading
Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
Current and Deferred Taxes
Time Deposits and Other Time Liabilities
Maturity of Financial Assets and Liabilities
Personnel Salaries and Expenses
Depreciation, Amortization, and Impairment
Non Current Assets Held for Sale
Accounting Policies
Accounting Policies, by Policy (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Significant Events (Tables)
Reporting Segments (Tables)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tables)
Investments Under Resale Agreements and Obligations Under Repurchase Agreements (Tables)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Tables)
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Tables)
Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost (Tables)
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Tables)
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Tables)
Investments in Associates and Other Companies (Tables)
Current and Deferred Taxes (Tables)
Other Assets (Tables)
Time Deposits and Other Time Liabilities (Tables)
Interbank Borrowings (Tables)
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Tables)
Maturity of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Provisions and Contingent Provisions (Tables)
Contingencies and Commitments (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Non-Controlling Interest (Tables)
Interest Income (Tables)
Fees and Commissions (Tables)
Net Income (Expense) from Financial Operations (Tables)
Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) (Tables)
Expected Credit Losses Allowance (Tables)
Personnel Salaries and Expenses (Tables)
Other Operating Income and Expenses (Tables)
Transactions With Related Parties (Tables)
Pension Plans (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Risk Management (Tables)
Subsequent Events (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details)
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - Schedule of subsidiaries
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - Schedule of associates
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - Schedule of loan and accounts receivable charge-offs
Significant Events (Details)
Significant Events (Details) - Schedule of senior bonds
Reporting Segments (Details) - Schedule of reporting segment
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details) - Schedule of cash and cash equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details) - Schedule of cash in process of collection and in process
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details) - Schedule of fair value hedges
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details) - Schedule of forecasted cash flows for interest rate risk
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details) - Schedule of forecasted cash flows for inflation risk
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details) - Schedule of other comprehensive income to income
Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting (Details) - Schedule of macro-hedges
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Details)
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of loan portfolio composition
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of gross carrying amount expected credit loss in commercial loans
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of gross carrying amount expected credit loss in mortgage loans
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of gross carrying amount expected credit loss
Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost (Details)
Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of instruments classified as debt instruments at amortized cost
Debt Instruments at Amortized Cost (Details) - Schedule of amortized value and the corresponding ECL
Loans and Accounts Receivable at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details) - Schedule of gross carrying amount
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details)
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details) - Schedule of debt instrument
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details) - Schedule of changes in the fair value and the corresponding ECL
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details) - Schedule of gross profits and losses realized on the sale of available for sale investments
Debt Instruments at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income (Details) - Schedule of available for sale investments cumulative unrealized profit and loss
Investments in Associates and Other Companies (Details)
Investments in Associates and Other Companies (Details) - Schedule of investments in associates and other
Investments in Associates and Other Companies (Details) - Schedule of financial information of associates
Investments in Associates and Other Companies (Details) - Schedule of activity with respect to investments in other companies
Intangible Assets (Details) - Schedule of intangible assets
Intangible Assets (Details) - Schedule of changes in the value of intangible assets
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of property, plant, and equipment balances
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of changes in value of property, plant, and equipment
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of accumulated depreciation
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of composition of the right of use assets
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of right of use assets under lease
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of accumulated amortization
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of assets for the right of use leased assets and lease liability
Fixed Assets and Right of Use Assets and Obligation for Lease Contracts (Details) - Schedule of future minimum lease cash inflows under non-cancellable operating leases
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of current taxes
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of effect on income tax expense
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of effective tax rate reconciliation
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of effect of deferred taxes on comprehensive income
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of effect of deferred taxes on income
Current and Deferred Taxes (Details) - Schedule of deferred tax assets and liabilities
Other Assets (Details)
Other Assets (Details) - Schedule of other assets
Time Deposits and Other Time Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of time deposits and other time liabilities
Interbank Borrowings (Details)
Interbank Borrowings (Details) - Schedule of Interbank borrowings
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details)
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of composition of issued debt instruments and other financial liabilities
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of debts classified
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of placement of senior bonds
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of partial repurchase
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of mortgage bonds per currency
Issued Debt Instruments and Other Financial Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of other financial liabilities
Maturity of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Maturity of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of assets and liabilities maturities
Provisions and Contingent Provisions (Details) - Schedule of composition statement
Provisions and Contingent Provisions (Details) - Schedule of activity regarding provisions
Provisions and Contingent Provisions (Details) - Schedule of provisions for personnel salaries and expenses
Provisions and Contingent Provisions (Details) - Schedule of provisions for contingent loan risk
Other Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of other liabilities
Contingencies and Commitments (Details)
Contingencies and Commitments (Details) - Schedule of contractual obligations
Contingencies and Commitments (Details) - Schedule of holds securities
Equity (Details)
Equity (Details) - Schedule of activity shares
Equity (Details) - Schedule of shareholder composition
Equity (Details) - Schedule of basic and diluted earnings per share
Equity (Details) - Schedule of other comprehensive income from available for sale investments and cash flow hedges
Equity (Details) - Schedule of perpetual bond
Equity (Details) - Schedule of bank’s debts, both current and non-current
Equity (Details) - Schedule of placement of perpetual bond
Non-Controlling Interest (Details)
Non-Controlling Interest (Details) - Schedule of non-controlling interest included in the equity and the income
Non-Controlling Interest (Details) - Schedule of financial information of the subsidiaries included in the consolidation of the Bank that possess non-controlling interests
Interest Income (Details) - Schedule of income from interest
Interest Income (Details) - Schedule of interest expense
Interest Income (Details) - Schedule of income and expense from interest
Fees and Commissions (Details) - Schedule of income and expences
Net Income (Expense) from Financial Operations (Details) - Schedule of income (expense) from financial operations
Net Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) (Details) - Schedule of net foreign exchange income
Expected Credit Losses Allowance (Details)
Expected Credit Losses Allowance (Details) - Schedule of expected credit losses
Personnel Salaries and Expenses (Details) - Schedule of personnel salaries and expenses
Administrative Expenses (Details) - Schedule of administrative expenses
Depreciation, Amortization, and Impairment (Details) - Schedule of depreciation, amortization and impairment
Other Operating Income and Expenses (Details) - Schedule of other operating income
Other Operating Income and Expenses (Details) - Schedule of other operating expenses
Transactions With Related Parties (Details)
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of loans and accounts receivable as well as contingent loans that correspond to related entities
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of loan activity to related parties
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of assets and liabilities with related parties
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of income (expense) recorded due to transactions with related parties
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of payments to Board members and key management personnel
Transactions With Related Parties (Details) - Schedule of composition of key personnel
Pension Plans (Details)
Pension Plans (Details) - Schedule of actuarial hypothesis assumptions
Pension Plans (Details) - Schedule of post-employment benefits
Pension Plans (Details) - Schedule of cash flow for post-employment benefits
Pension Plans (Details) - Schedule of plan expected profit
Pension Plans (Details) - Schedule of plan associated expenses
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of assets and liabilities on recurrent basis
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of assets or liabilities which are not measured at fair value
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of financial instruments classified as Level 3
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurrent basis using unobserved significant entries (Level 3)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of financial instruments subject to compensation
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of credit exposure in its financial derivative operations
Risk Management (Details)
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of market risk
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of exposures of financial assets and liabilities impacted by IBOR reform
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of quality assets and its related provision
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of mortage and other loan
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of allowance and exposure at default (EAD) of the loans
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of modified loans
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of classification of relief measures
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of residual maturity over measured that have not expired
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of probabilities
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of allowance sensibility
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of risk concentration
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of financial assets and associated collateral
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of fair value of derivative instruments
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of security interests, collateral, or credit improvements
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of breakdown of bank's liquid assets by levels
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of exposure to liquidity risk
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of net losses from operational risks
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of levels of basic capital and effective net equity
Risk Management (Details) - Schedule of regulatory capital
Subsequent Events (Details)
Subsequent Events (Details) - Schedule of bank issued subordinated bonds
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